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My approach emphasizes the body as an integrated whole, an approach that focuses on overall health, wellness, and illness prevention.

Curarsi con cibi naturali

Per suggerimenti naturopatici aggiornati, conssigli ericette, consultate il mio blog.

Mi chiamo Michelle Savard e sono una naturopata Canadese.  Aiuto i miei pazienti ad avere una vita sana, imparare come prendere in mano la loro salute ed avere un aspetto migliore.
Tutti i pazienti seguono un programma personalizzato che si basa su un consulto iniziale sullo stato di salute. Questo programma è incentrato su nutrizione, fitness, tecniche di rilassamento, integratori, fitoterapia, aromaterapia e/o miglioramenti nello stile di vita.

Chiamami per scoprire quanto bene puoi sentirti!

Michelle Savard

Michelle Savard


Michelle è una Naturopata certificata con un percorso di studi in Canada e un master in Salute del Lavoro e Sicurezza. È membro della Federazione Italiana Naturopati, FENNAP.  Con oltre 5 anni di esperienza, Michelle lavora con donne e uomini di tutte le età aiutandoli a migliorare la propria salute e qualità di vita.

“Michelle è il mio punto di riferimento fisso qualunque problematica di salute abbia. Ha una conoscenza molto ampia del tema e risposte sempre brillanti ai miei problemi.”

J. Sinfield

“Michelle mi ha assistita nel creare abitudini alimentari sane per ridurre la mia ipertenision.  I suoi insegnamenti e sostegno mi hanno aiutata non solo nel fare questo, ma anche a costruire uno stile di vita piu equilibrato.”

Marie-Line C.

What does Holistic Health Mean?

What does Holistic Health Mean?

I am a holistic health practitioner but what does that really mean?  Holistic is twofold, firstly, it means taking the entire body into consideration and not seeing each system as independent from each other, as is often done in allopathic medicine.  For example, if...

Your Stool is Speaking to You!

Your Stool is Speaking to You!

The best way to have an idea of your gut health is to look at your stool.  Although unappealing as it may sound, we all do it so let's get over the stigma of talking about it!  Many different stool analysis tests exist to get a thorough look at what is going on but...

Feeding your Microbiome

Feeding your Microbiome

The gut microbiome is a critical factor not only to your intestinal health but also for your immune system, brain health, metabolism, healthy weight, heart health and so much more.  The good news is that although the study of the microbiome is relatively new, we...

Leaky Gut: What is it?  What can I do to heal?

Leaky Gut: What is it? What can I do to heal?

All disease begins in the gut. – Hippocrates In fact today we are seeing that imbalances in the gut can lead to a wide range of health and wellness issues.   What is the Gut Anyways? The gut is comprised of the microbiome, an ecosystem comprised of your intestinal...

Creamy Kid-Friendly Pumpkin Soup

Creamy Kid-Friendly Pumpkin Soup

Creamy Kid-Friendly Pumpkin SoupThis recipe combines some of my favorite ingredients: pumpkin, coconut oil and tumeric.  Tumeric is one of my all-time favorite spices as it is great at reducing inflammation and boosting mood. Servings: 6 servingsPrep Time: 15 minCook...

Tangy Asian Salad

Tangy Asian Salad

Tangy Asian SaladThis recipe's main ingredient is red cabbage, a vegetable rich in polyphenols, a plant compound that it extremely healthy for your gut, cardiovascular health and metabolic health.Servings: 6 peoplePrep Time: 15 minCook Time: 0 minGood For: Lunch &...

Eating Healthy in Turin

Eating Healthy in Turin

Eating healthy does not have to be complicated or expensive.  In Turin, the best and cheapest way to get good quality produce is go to the markets or order directly from local farms.  My favourite markets here are the local produce markets and organic markets. ...

5 Free Solutions to Ease Stress Now

5 Free Solutions to Ease Stress Now

Show me an adult who hasn’t suffered from stress this year.  I don’t think there is one. When under stress our common sense often goes out the window and we fall back into bad habits more easily.  Here are a few reminders of simple actions to take to gain your cool...

Train your Brain to be Happy

Train your Brain to be Happy

Many of us have this strange relationship with happiness where we see it as something we earn once we have worked sufficiently or once we have attained something desired.  This is a warped way of seeing happiness as it gives our power away completely to external...

Boost your Immune System Now

Boost your Immune System Now

5 Easy Ways to Protect Yourself from COVID-19 by Boosting Your Immune System Many of us are anxious  about the COVID-19 pandemic but other than taking the well publicized precautionary measures such as hygiene, social distancing and isolation there are other...



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